Devil's Font at Victoria Falls


Would you like at least once in your life to look over the edge of a waterfall and see, while remaining safe, how tons of water break on stones? Such a place actually exists: probably everyone is familiar with the Victoria Falls, but not everyone has heard of the natural pool that is located on its edge and has recently gained popularity among tourists.

Devil's font - this is the name of this place and it is located, as already mentioned, at Victoria Falls near Livingston Island. This reservoir has a modest size relative to the waterfall - its width is only 20 meters. The peculiarity of the Devil's Pool is that a narrow partition of stones at the cliff slows down the flow and does not allow the flow of water to carry the body down - thanks to this, you can dive into the reservoir and, leaning against the stones, enjoy the stunning view that opens from there. Naturally, it is best to do this with the help of a guide, who will tell you where it is best to enter the water, and will also support you if necessary (the stones are slippery there, there is nothing to grab onto), because according to statistics, the current takes 1-2 people to year despite the barrier. However, tourists neglect the danger: the realization that very close to a height of more than 100 meters, the water falls down with a crash, causes exaltation.

The safest way to visit the Devil's Font is from September to October, when the water level in the Zambezi River drops.

How to get there: the most convenient option is to rent a boat from the Royal Hotel in Livingston.

Victoria Falls - geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude): 17 ° -55′-28 ″ south. latitude 25 ° -51'-24 ″ east. longitude. The Devil's Font, like the waterfall itself, is located between two countries - Zambia and Zimbabwe, on their state border (Zambezi River).

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