30 largest rivers of the Tula region


A large number of large, medium and small rivers flow on the territory of the Tula region. More than 1,680 rivers flow on the territory of the region. The largest of them are Don and Oka. The rivers of this region are fed by snow and rain during the warm season. And in winter, they feed mainly on groundwater. Most of them are constantly current, but there is also a small percentage of dry ones.

The region's river network is formed by two large basins. The first is the Oka river with the Upa, tributaries. It is a closed area of ​​internal flow and is the Caspian basin. The second is the Don and its tributaries. It is part of the Azov-Black Sea basin. In percentage terms, all rivers belonging to the first basin occupy about 75% of the region's territory. And the rivers of the second basin own 25%.

The longest rivers of the Tula region

List of the largest rivers flowing through the region.


It is the fifth longest river in Europe. The source of the river is located at an altitude of 180 meters above sea level in the Tula region within the city of Novomoskovsk. It is a small stream in the territory of the children's park. The name of the river comes from the Aryan "danu", which translates as "river". Located in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Snow nutrition is about 70%. And the largest tributaries are: Seversky Donets, Khoper, Medveditsa.

The total length of the river is 1870 km.


The largest right tributary of the Volga. The source of the river is located in the village of Aleksandrovka, Oryol region, and is a spring at an altitude of 221 meters above sea level. In the Tula region, it merges with the Upa River and passes on the border of the Tula and Moscow regions. According to one version, the name has the Baltic root "ak". Its largest tributaries are: Klyazma, Pronya, Ugra, Zhizdra, Upa, Ushna, Tesha, Moscow, Osetr, Nara, Protva, Zusha. Upa is the largest tributary in the region.

The length of the river is 1,500 km, in the Tula region - 230 km.


It is a right tributary of the Oka. It originates from the Volovskoe plateau in the Tula region. Near the village Kuleshovo flows into the Oka. The river is mainly fed by snow. The town of Sovetsk has a reservoir. Its name has the Baltic root "upe". Part of the river is navigable and a river tram operates here. Its main tributaries are: Shivoron, Skomoroshka, Degotnya, Lebyagozhka, Uperta.

The length of the river is 345 km.


It flows through the Tula and Ryazan regions and is the right tributary of the Oka. The source is located in the village of Kostino in the Ryazan region on the watershed with the Don basin (slopes of the Central Russian Upland). The current speed is small, and the channel is shallow, but meandering. The food is mainly snow. Previously, timber rafting was carried out here. Its tributaries: Ranova, Kerd.

The total length of the river is 336 km.

Beautiful Sword

Passes through the Tula, Lipetsk regions. This is the right tributary of the Don. Previously, the river was called the Beautiful Sword. It has a large number of springs and especially near the village of Yudinka. The food is mainly snow. Freezing takes place from November to April. In the area of ​​the village of Vyazovo and further downstream, the banks are higher. The main tributaries are Mutenka and Krasivaya.

The total length of the river is 244 km.


This is one of the right tributaries of the Oka. It flows through the Tula, Oryol regions. The beginning of the river is located in the Kamensky district of the Tula region. It flows into the Oka near the village of Gorodishche. It houses the Lykovskaya HPP, which was abandoned for a long time, but restored in 2018. Tributaries of the river: Grunets, Gryaznaya, Filinka. Previously, it was navigable from Mtsensk to the confluence with the Oka.

The total length of the river is 234 km.


It passes through three regions: Tula, Moscow, Ryazan. It is a right tributary of the Oka. The beginning of the river is located on the Central Russian Upland in the village of Melehovka, not far from Tula. The name of the river is due to the fact that earlier sturgeon fish came here to spawn. However, after the construction of the dam, many species of fish stopped entering it. Its main tributaries are: Mordves, Venevka, Ruditsa, Verkusha.

The total length of the river is 228 km.


This is the left tributary of the Oka, which flows through the Tula and Kaluga regions. The beginning of the river is located near the village of Zabolotye. It flows into the Oka near the village of Przemysl. It bears the name of the city that is located on it. Also on its bank is the Optina Monastery. The river is fed by rain and snow. The main tributaries are: Medvedka, Koscha, Amzheronka, Vyazovenka.

The total length of the river is 223 km.


The right tributary of the Zushi, flowing through the Tula, Oryol regions. The river originates near the village of Esino Gat on the Kulikovo field, which is a famous historical and geographical place in Russia. Food is mainly snow, rain. The river is a popular destination for tourists and fishermen. Its tributaries: Rozka, Ugot, Studenets.

The total length of the river is 100 km.


It flows on the territory of the Tula region. It is a tributary of the Upa. Its beginning is located near the villages of Ozerskie Vyselki and Polibino. It flows into Upu near the village of Krapivna. Its tributaries are: Sorochka, Plavitsa, Marmyzhka. Starting from the confluence of the Plavica, the next 60 km are ideal for kayaking and kayaking. In 2011, there was a leak from the distillery storage facility into the river, which led to the death of fish.

The length of the river is 89 km.

Bolshaya Smedova

It is located on the territory of two regions: Tula and Moscow. This is a tributary of the Oka. The beginning of the river is located near the village of Martemyanovo, Tula region. It flows into the Oka near the town of Ozyory, which is located in the Moscow region. Its tributaries are: Lyubinka, Kolmenka, Malaya Smedova, Malaya Pesochnaya. It is very popular among tourists, kayakers, fishermen.

The length of the river is 74 km, in the Tula region - 20 km.


It flows on the territory of the Tula region. This is one of the tributaries of the Zusha River. It flows into the Zusha near the village of Troitskoye-Bochurino. There are many fish in the river: dace, gudgeon, perch, pike. Alloys are often made here. Refers to the Oka River basin. The largest tributary is Malaya Snezhed.

The length of the river is 74 km.


It is located on the territory of two regions: Tula, Moscow and is the right tributary of the Oka. During floods, kayaking is performed on it. In November it is covered with ice, it melts in March-April. Here the valley is deeply cut, and the banks are quite steep. Its tributaries: Apran, Vosma.

The length of the river is 70 km, in the Tula region - 63 km.


It is located in the Tula region and is the right tributary of the Oka. This river originates from the Kulikovo field, an important historical and geographical region of Russia. The height of its mouth is 132 meters above sea level. Perch and roach are found in the river. Popular with fishermen. Its tributaries are: Ust, Istichka, Borshevka.

The length of the river is 68 km.


Passes through the territory of the Tula region. Right tributary of the Oka. It flows into the Oka near the town of Aleksin. Perch, roach, dace are found here. In spring, the river has a stormy stream and at this time it is ideal for rafting. It often hosts kayaking competitions. Its tributaries are: Sulema, Neriska, Vashanka.

The length of the river is 68 km.


It flows on the territory of two regions: Tula, Lipetsk. It is a tributary of the Beautiful Swords. The mouth of the river is located 36 kilometers on the left bank of the Beautiful Sword. Refers to the Don river basin. On the banks of the river there is a natural monument "SPNA". The length of the river within this reserve is 4.1 km. It has two tributaries: Gnilusha, Khmelinets.

The total length of the river is 68 km.


It flows in the Tula region through the territory of the Volovsky district. This river is a tributary of the Don. It originates near the village of Nikitskoye and the village of Krasny Holm in the Tula region. It was on the banks of this river that the famous Don massacre took place in 1380.Its tributaries: Sitka, Suri, Epiphany, Filippovka. Earlier it flowed out of Lake Volovo.

The length of the river is 67 km.

Wet Tabola

The river flows through two regions: Tula and Ryazan. It is a tributary of the Don. In the channel there are accumulations of lilies, water lilies, and other vegetation. The river is home to roach, perch, pike, crucian carp. In the lower reaches of the left bank there is Dorozhen-town - an archaeological monument. Also on the river is the village of Sebino - the birthplace of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow. Its tributaries are Burlak, Sizovka, Suhaya Tabola, Voleshnik.

The total length of the river is 64 km.


The river is located in the Tula region on the territory of the Kireevsky and Bogoroditsky districts. It is a right tributary of the Upa. Its beginning is located near the village of Bolotovka. It flows into Upu in its upper course. The banks are meadow, open. The channel in the upper reaches is winding. Perch, crucian carp, carp are found in the river. In the spring flood, kayaking takes place here. Its tributaries: Chernyavka, Kobylinka, Kuzovka.

The length of the river is 63 km.


The river passes through two regions: Tula, Orel. In the Tula region, it flows through the territory of the Kamensky and Efremovsky districts. It is a left tributary of the Semenek River. Belongs to the Don Basin District. Its mouth is located 3.3 km from the Semenek mouth. Galitsa is a tributary of this river.

The total length of the river is 58.7 km.


The river is located in two regions: Tula, Lipetsk. In the Tula region it passes through the Kurkinsky district. It is a right tributary of the Don. The source of the river is located near the village of Kurkino. A dam with sluices was built on it, which was reconstructed in 2012. The name of the river is due to the fact that there are many elms growing on the banks. It is a great place for a summer vacation. Its tributaries: Yazovnya, Kleshnya.

The total length of the river is 56 km.


The river flows in two regions: Tula and Kaluga. In the Tula region it passes through the Aleksinsky district. This is the right tributary of the Oka. It is a flood river. Its source is located near the village of Titovo near Kaluga. It enters the Tula region with a small stream, and expands near the village of Vishnevaya. It has two tributaries: Krushma, Nichiga.

The total length of the river is 54 km.

The book

The river runs along the northern macroslope of the Central Russian Upland through the Tula and Moscow regions. This river is a popular tourist route for rafting in high water. There are many historical sites on the shores. Its tributaries are: Treshnya, Gorodenka.

The total length of the river is 52 km.


It flows in the Tula region along the Shchekino district. Its beginning is located near the village of Sorochinka. This is the left tributary of the Upa. Belongs to the Oka Basin District. The channel is rather winding, in certain places it flows through a corridor of solid reeds. There are rocky rifts. An area of ​​40 km in length near the village of Karamyshevo is ideal for water tourism. Its tributaries are: Krapivenka, Kamushka, Nevezha, Vozdremok.

The length of the river is 52 km.


It flows in the Tula region through several districts: Kireevsky, Leninsky, Novomoskovsky, Venevsky. It begins from the Shatsk reservoir, on the site of which Ivan-Ozero was previously located. The river is popular with fishermen. Here you can find pike, perch, linen, roach. Its tributaries: Shatets, Vievka, Sukhaya.

The length of the river is 51 km.


This river flows through the Tula and Moscow regions. In the Tula region, it passes through the Venevsky district. Its beginning is located near the village of Bolshaya Uvarovka in a ravine. It is a tributary of the Osetr River. Numerous natural springs feed. It is home to perch, crucian carp, roach. Has a winding bed. Karst processes constantly occur in the river valley. Its tributary is Vertunya.

The total length of the river is 49 km.


It flows on the territory of the Tula region in the Uzlovsky and Kireevsky districts. This is a tributary of the Upa. The source of the river is located near the village of Malaya Poluninka. Some maps use the name Shivoron. The first kilometers the river flows among the meadows, then lush vegetation appears on its banks. It is a popular fishing spot. Its tributaries are the Olen and Rassoshka.

The length of the river is 49 km.


Passes through two regions: Tula, Kaluga. It is a left tributary of the Oka. The beginning of this river is located near the village of Goskovo in the Kaluga region. After crossing the border with the Tula region, it flows into the Oka near the town of Belev. Its largest tributary is Chernyshenka.

The total length of the river is 43 km.


It flows through the Tula region on the territory of Arsenyevsky, Odoevsky districts and is a left tributary of the Upa. The river originates four kilometers from the village of Verkhnie Dubki. It flows into Upa near the village of Priupskiy. It features large hinges. According to legend, the river got its name after Khan Mizgei drowned in it. It has three tributaries: Malaya Mizgeya, Nerezhda, Malovel.

The length of the river is 43 km.


The river flows in the Tula region through the territory of the Kireevsky district. This is the right tributary of the Upa. It belongs to the Oka Basin District. Near the village of Gamovo, there is a platinum water intake, which forms a pond. It is a popular fishing and summer destination. Here you can find: carp, perch, roach. The estuary is located at an altitude of 153 meters above sea level.

The length of the river is 41 km.
